MEDIC SOLO Logo Products Model: Price:
High-quality MEDIC SOLO logo - Shirts (cotton, and wicking non-cotton) - Sweatshirts - Hats (cotton and non-cotton) - Water bottle - Mugs - More! ... more info |
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WILDCARE Wilderness Medicine Textbook Model: Price: $45.00
"The most authoritative, beautiful, comprehensive, and up-to-date, wilderness medicine textbook ever created" - SOLO AUTHOR: World-renowned ... more info |
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MEDIC in your Wallet Model: Price: $14.95
Save life and limb with this: > credit-card-sized (~3mm or ~1/8 in. thick) > waterproof > tear-proof (it just stretches if you try to tear it) > ... more info |
Quizlet e-FlashCards of MEDIC in your Wallet Model: Price: $3.00
e-version of MEDIC in your Wallet, with 2 primary functions: (1) e-flashcard refresh & quiz your wilderness medical knowledge; (2) Quickly look up a ... more info |
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Care-giving Steps CARD (size of a credit card) Model: Price: $5.00
Always have the Patient Assessment System -- as well as the Spine Assessment procedure critical steps -- with you in case of emergency, as reminders ... more info |
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Smallest CPR Mask + Gloves Keychain Model: Price: $8.00
MEDIC searched and searched many hours for the SMALLEST keychain on the market which contains both a CPR mouth shield AND a pair of nitrile medical ... more info |
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Trauma Shears Model: Price: $6.00
Trauma Shears These will CUT THROUGH A PENNY! Not all similar-looking shears will do this, or still be able to cut afterwards. MEDIC tested a few ... more info |
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Iodine Pouch - Disinfect Wounds Model: Price: $3.00
Iodine kills pathogens. It is fantastic for use in cleaning wounds. This nifty pouch is: > super-flexible, won't break or tear, won't leak into your ... more info |
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Survival Bandana Model: Price: $11.00
This bandana is printed NOT with patient care-giving steps info, but instead with critical survival pointers in case you unexpectedly are stuck / ... more info |
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Padded Aluminum Splint Model: Price: $9.00
Save yourself some money by picking up this quality generic brand, instead of the same-quality name-brand one. This is the exact same orange splint ... more info |