Definition: "Golden Hour" = when from illness/injury occurrence time, to arrival at a comprehensive medical care facility, is one hour. This is not just transport time.
This includes / incorporates:
When one falls ill / becomes injured and is anywhere on the planet beyond the "Golden Hour" (see above), someone has to give extra care to that patient -- sometimes including care-giving steps that EMTs are neither taught nor allowed to do -- or else the patient might not fully recover.
Wilderness First Aid -- whether in a remote wilderness, rural area in your home country or abroad, or urban disaster zone -- teaches care-giving steps for treating patients during, and much beyond the Golden Hour. Some skills taught are not part of the EMT course curriculum. No prerequisite requirements to take the wilderness first aid course.
Bonus for International Travel-interested Folks: MEDIC has crafted a highly-detailed multi-page handout for folks who indicate interest in travel first aid when signing up for a MEDIC SOLO Wilderness First Aid course.
Availability: the handout references and ties in to some of the topics taught and hands-on practiced in the wilderness first aid course, so it is not available as a standalone item. It's free and only available when attending the MEDIC SOLO Disaster + Travel + Wilderness First Aid Certification Course.