Online Courses Registration Form

Welcome! The registration form is loading below.
If the form doesn't appear / doesn't load, please try these options.

Step 1: Verify that Questions Above Disappeared

Once you 'Submit' the form above, it should disappear with a message saying the form successfully submitted. If it didn't go through, please ensure all red asterisk* questions are answered, and click the submit button again until the questionnaire disappears.

Step 2: Payment  

Note: textbook information is in Step 3 further below.

Self-paced Videos Only:
  • Videos: $99 per viewer
WFA Certification Candidates (videos + the One Skills Scenarios Workshop date you chose above):
  • Early Bird Option: $249 (choose if 14+ days before SSW class; regularly $249)
  • Regular Option: $279 (choose if fewer than 14 days before SSW class)

Escalated service to you, for best chance of SSW graduation success despite shortened time to perform all SSW prerequisite steps.

Payment Options

Venmo: Send to @MEDIC or Matthew Rosefsky (include the space between Matthew and Rosefsky); blue & green MEDIC symbol should appear.
If Venmo asks: last 4 digits of phone number are 8733.
If you choose the option to add Insurance, please add $10 to the total.
When finished with Venmo, continue with steps #3, 4, 5 and 6 below.
PayPal: Please choose "Friends and Family" option if your account has it (then we won't lose a commission to PayPal) and send to medicwfa (at) gmail (d0t) com
If you choose the option to add Insurance, please add $10 to the total.
When finished with Paypal, continue with steps #3, 4, 5 and 6 below.
Check / Money Order: Make the check/money order out to "MEDIC" and mail to MEDIC, 351 10th Street NW, Charlottesville, VA 22903
When finished check writing, continue with steps #3, 4, 5 and 6 below.

Click the appropriate button:

Self-paced Videos Only:

WFA Certification Candidates:
  • Early Bird Option (choose if 14+ days before SSW class):
  • Regular Option (choose if fewer than 14 days before SSW class):

  • When finished with charge card, continue with steps #3, 4, 5 and 6 below.

    All-Online and Blended Learning (Hybrid) Courses:

    • All-online and Blended Learning (Hybrid) course fees are non-refundable and not swappable to another person.
    • WFA Certification Candidates: we welcome you to transfer to a different SSW date or transfer to an all-in-person course. Details here. Initiate a transfer request here.

    Step 3: Textbook

    Self-paced Videos Only learners: Textbook is optional and recommended. Options below.

    WFA Certification Candidates: "SOLO's Field Guide to Wilderness First Aid" is required.

    • Already have this book (any version)? Great, you're all set.
    • Purchase options:
      • 1st choice: paperback book on Amazon.
      • 2nd choice: e-book on Amazon. Note: the e-book is a fixed format book, it is not recommended for phones or small tablets. Also, paperback book is recommended if you like to write notes in it.
      • 3rd choices: Choose one of the below and submit payment via the same means you used above. For charge card, please contact us saying you authorize adding a charge to your card, and which option below you want.
        • $30 MEDIC media-mails older version textbook to USA address.
          • Older versions are quite close in content to the newest version.
        • $40 MEDIC media-mails newest version textbook to USA address
        • add $5: MEDIC sends either of the above via Priority Mail to USA address.
        • + ? International shipping: contact us with your shipping address and we'll advise the cost differential.

    Step 4: Submit this Participant Agreement (required to start your online learning)

    If you are age 18, you please sign page 1, your parent / legal guardian signs page 2.

    Please scan or very-clear-photo entire page and email to: ops (at) solowfa (d0t) com , with Subject Line = "Participant Agreement - Your Name" OR mail to: MEDIC, 351 10th Street NW, Charlottesville, VA 22903

    If you do not have printer access, please contact us and we will mail this form to you.

    Step 5: Avoiding Spam Filter (required to start your online learning)

    A few different MEDIC staffers may email you. It does not suffice to click "not spam" on an email from one of us. People often receive emails from one MEDIC staffer but not another. EVERYONE (CRITICALLY IMPORTANT): please set a recipe to have all emails from go to your inbox. Gmail users: On a computer (won't work on a phone), in your email "Settings" --> "See all settings" --> "Filters" --> "Create a new Filter" --> from (keep it with nothing before the @ -- don't let Google fill in any suggestion) then click "Create Filter" NOT the search button --> check box "Never send it to spam" and then finish with the "Create Filter" button. Whew, complex! Thanks for your collaboration.

    Step 6: Milestone Map for Fully Online WFA Certification

    We're excited to get to work with you personally, in a Skills Scenarios Workshop! For maximized graduation success, please plan your schedule according to this Milestone Map.

    Thank you! Once we receive your payment and Participant Agreement (step #4), we'll email you instructions on how to get started. Happy learning!