Thank you for choosing MEDIC SOLO as your partner in learning. 


Knowledge is power.

We strive to spread knowledge and

empower people to save lives.


Venmo  ~  PayPal  ~  Check/Money Order  ~  Charge

FINAL STEP after payment



send to:

@MEDIC   or

Matthew Rosefsky (include the space between);

blue & green MEDIC symbol should appear.

If Venmo asks:  last 4 digits of phone number are 8733.

If you choose an option to add insurance, please add $10 to the total.

When done, please see the Final Step after payment.



Remember your PayPal password?

send to:


● select "FRIENDS & FAMILY" if possible, so we don't lose a commission

If you choose an option to add insurance, please add $10 to the total.

When done, please see the Final Step after payment.


Check / Money Order:

Make it out to "MEDIC" and mail to:

MEDIC,  351  10th Street NW, Charlottesville, VA 22903

When done, please see the Final Step after payment.


Charge Card:

$25 for Alumni 3 Videos Refresher:


$32 Camping at 2-day dtWFA Washington DC area,

total per tent or per hammock:

For this fee you can stay 1, 2, or 3 nights (Fri/Sat/Sun).


$49.50 Half Price Special - All Videos for:

 ● add-on to upcoming in-person class

 ● extension 1-month all-online learners

 ● alumni refresher 1 month


$50 difference between Early Bird and Regular Registration:

(registering <30 days before in-person class, or <14 days before online SSW)


$50 for Alumni practice at online Skills Scenarios Workshop

(reserve spot now - first paid first served; we'll advise 1 to 2 weeks in advance if space is available; no certification)


$159 for Blended Learning Registration - No Certification (Videos + Skills Scenarios Workshop

(reserve spot now - first paid first served; we'll advise 1 to 2 weeks in advance if space is available; no certification)


$79 for CPR/AED/Choking for adult/child/infant:


$95 for Transfer / Swap fee:


$99 for Self-paced Videos, 1 month:

(does not include optional textbook)


$150 for CPR/AED/Basic First Aid Skills Class

($145 + charge card convenience fee):



$150 Early Bird Registration (14+ days before class) for

one date Skills Scenarios Workshop (SSW) online with instructor:

(does not include required videos or textbook)


$180 Regular Registration ( < 14 days before class) for

one date Skills Scenarios Workshop (SSW) online with instructor:

(does not include required videos or textbook)



$249 Early Bird Registration (14+ days before class) for

All Online WFA Certification Course:

(includes 1 month videos + one date SSW; does not include required textbook)


$279 Regular Registration ( < 14 days before class) for

All Online WFA Certification Course:

(includes 1 month videos + one date SSW; does not include required textbook)



$295 Early Bird Registration (30+ days before class) for 

In-Person or Hybrid dtWFA:


$325 Regular Registration ( < 30 days before class) for

In-Person or Hybrid dtWFA:



any different amount:

pay here, or call (434) 326-4697

to charge over phone.




Thank you!

If you are paying for someone else, or have questions, please

 contact us or email us at courses (at) solowfa (d0t) com with:

 ● your name, and

● who you're paying for,

 so we can link your payment to their course.


Thanks very much!