We're open to considering more smart people to partner with on the admin side of MEDIC's growing course load. If you answered "yes" to all questions above, and feel you would work very well with Cecilia, Deanna, and Matt, please email Matt at with a resume and a cover letter which illustrates how you are a great match with all of the questions above, and what talents you have that could be useful to us / what you would like to bring to the table. We may be looking for people to support Cecilia, Deanna, and Matt in marketing, networking, advertising, course administration, and top-level administration of our school; and we're very open to new ideas as well as assistance in other areas. Thanks!
We're looking for someone to partner with on the admin side of MEDIC's growing course load. If you answered "yes" to all questions above, please email Matt at with a resume and a cover letter which illustrates how you are a great match with all of the questions above (and if you feel you have other talents that could be useful to us, please let us know this as well). Thanks!
Collaborate with teammates Deanna (her job description is below) and Matt to administer and advertise courses. Possible duties include performing advertising tasks, fielding or redirecting prospective students' questions, processing course registrations, communicating with students before and after classes, and more.
We're looking for someone to partner with on the admin side of MEDIC's growing course load. If you answered "yes" to all questions above, please email Matt at with a resume and a cover letter which illustrates how you are a great match with all of the questions above (and if you feel you have other talents that could be useful to us, please let us know this as well). Thanks!
Duties start with taking on MEDIC's current word-spreading tasks and connections (Facebook, Meetup, Craigslist, contacting / listing in specific likely-interested groups, newspaper calendar listings, etc.) and grow word-spreading from there including instagram and perhaps more. Rough guess 3 to 5 devoted (not multi-tasked with other non-MEDIC things at same time) hours per week, with growth opportunity for more advertising as well as for email general administrative work.
Thanks, hope to get to embark upon a long-term relationship working with you!